Our services

Our services

Our expertise includes custom manufacturing of parts, including machining, cutting, bending, bending, assembly, welding and finishing, to provide you with customized, reliable solutions.

As a professional, when you open an account with THERSANE, you benefit from permanent discounts on the entire catalog, tailored payment terms and personalized technical and commercial support. What's more, we can deliver to your site, according to your specific requirements.

Custom manufacturing

Machining, cutting, bending/curving, assembly, finishing... Tell us about your custom project—we are here to help you bring it to life with expertise and precision.

Machining of custom flanges

We offer a customized service for machining single or double socket flanges, specially designed for industrial needs.

Material certificates and traceability

THERSANE can provide the required 2.1, 2.2, and 3.1 material certificates for flawless traceability.

Software for businesses

Discover innovative, intuitive tools tailored to your needs, for optimum management of your business.

For further information


Aware of our clients' challenges, we tailor our services to your needs.

Permanent discounts on the entire catalog
  • Vos conditions d’achat sont valableYour purchase conditions are valid all year round, with no restrictions on amount or time.s toute l’année sans restriction de montant ni de temps.
Special payment terms for professionals
  • Payment on due date or with order.
  • Various payment options LCR / Transfer / CB / PayPal.
Deliveries available
(subject to conditions)
  • Small volumes.
  • Delivery of 6m and 12m tubes by charter.
  • Large volumes, making appointments for site deliveries.
A personalized technical and commercial follow-up
  • Electronic management of the entire sales process.
  • Traceability and management of material certificates 2.1 / 2.2 / 3.1 on request.
  • View and retrieve your invoices online.